Mona Collins

Archive for the ‘fitness’ Category

Talk Thursday with a Healthy Kick

In fitness, Talk Thursday on January 16, 2014 at 10:30 PM

Talk Thursday with a Healthy Kick

This week the Talk Thursday series features Tara. I learned of Tara through a coworker a few months ago. I was intrigued with what I heard about her experience and knowledge. Her passion for health and fitness is exciting. I look forward to hearing more from her in the future. She provides very good advice on improving your health and living a better life. Enjoy her answers below.
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Five Minutes of Me: Volume 1, Issue 5

In fitness, Five Minutes, Thoughts on August 29, 2013 at 9:00 AM

082913_Five Minutes of Me

Here we are again. Another week, another five minutes of me. What’s new in my world? I started working with a trainer at Precision Fitness. This week was the first full week. It was tough, but I know it will pay off in the end. I’m still doing the Paleo diet. This week I really wanted a piece of bread….really, really bad. I also craved a glass of wine. I had watermelon and pecans instead. This is my life right now. Read the rest of this entry »

My 5K Experience

In fitness, Victories on June 16, 2012 at 6:58 PM


Now that I am awake and refreshed, I can speak about my 5k experience. To say that I was nervous and anxious, is an understatement. Last Sunday, I cried just thinking about it. This story started almost two years ago when I decided to do the “Couch to 5K” app on my iPhone. That endeavor was the motivation behind starting this blog (the journey to lose weight and complete a 5K).

Today, I completed my first 5K in nine years, the second in my life. I signed up with a group from work. There were seven of us along with my seven-year old nephew who arrived to run this morning. The CASA Superhero 5K race benefitted children in the Bentonville area. My biggest fear was finishing last. I knew I wouldn’t win, but (dear Lord, please) don’t let me finish last. Next to last is way better than last.

Well, my biggest fear came true. I started in the back and by the half way water station, I had a thought that I might be the last one. When I realized the “person” behind me was a maroon Ford Taurus and not the lady from earlier, I had a full-on crying episode. In a neighborhood, no less. I cried so hard I couldn’t breathe. You know the sobbing cry where you make ugly faces and loud sounds, that was me. It was at that moment I realized the Ford Taurus was the escort car, and it was official. I was the last runner/walker. I felt horrible. I was exactly where I DIDN’T want to be…LAST.

However, I appreciate Volunteer Ken who came and walked with me. He reminded me that I was a winner. His words were “you’re doing great! Much better than the 10’s of thousands who are still asleep. You’re getting exercise and you’re helping the kids.” He kept talking and I soon stopped crying. We made it through the neighborhood and the finish line was in sight!

On my last stretch is was great that a co-worker came back to walk with me as well. My question to her, “You’re already finished?!” She smiled and kept me company. The best part of the day was having my brother and nephew join me on the final stretch. Yea, I cried again. They walked with me, and my brother joined me as I jogged to the finish line. Speaking of the finish line, another great moment was seeing and hearing my co-workers waiting and cheering for me as I made it in. I couldn’t have asked for a better support group. They were awesome! Way to go, Sam’s Club Marketing Associates.

It was a humbling race. Being last was not my goal. I finished the race and that’s most important. I will continue to exercise and get better. One. Race. At. A. Time.

Another race next month? I’m thinking about it.

Zumba, It Does the Body Good

In fitness on May 17, 2012 at 9:50 PM

Today is Thursday, and it’s time for more “Thoughts from Mona.” Many of you know that Zumba is my exercise of choice at the moment. I found a great class to attend each Tuesday night. I even found a Zumba partner. Having someone hold you accountable is the best. She checks on ( and encourages) me each week to get to class. We save a spot for each other, and we exchange crazy looks throughout the class. She’s a cool friend.

This Tuesday was particularly challenging. It was actually the toughest Zumba class I’ve experienced. I assume it was a plethora of factors that made this class more intense. However, I believe our teacher was trying to prove something to herself. The students were just there to experience this self-challenge. Despite the intensity, I arrive. I concurred. I went home to a long spa relaxation. My muscles were sore.

Each week, I have a few favorite songs that I can’t wait to hear. My Zumba playlist includes Top 40, R&B, Bollywood, Rock and Latin tunes. Below are a few of my favorites.

Beyonce-Run the World Girls

Ami Stewart-Knock On Wood

Maroon 5-Moves Like Jagger

What is on your workout playlist?

{Wordless Wednesday} Working it Out

In fitness, Wordless Wednesday on January 11, 2012 at 9:24 PM

I’m motivated to work out this year! I downloaded the Nike Training Club iPhone app today. I’m starting the beginner series on Friday!



What are your workout goals?

{Wordless Wednesday} On Your Faces!

In fitness, Wordless Wednesday on July 20, 2011 at 10:05 AM
Fitness Boot Camp, Little Rock

The view from my exercise mat at the Clinton Library in Little Rock, AR.

“Flip it like a pancake. ON YOUR FACES! Push-up hold. 15 seconds!”

Boot Camp, Week Three

In fitness, Weight Loss on July 18, 2011 at 9:35 PM

Week Three is over. This week we stepped up our fitness and incorporated weights. I also learned what “burnout” really means as it applies to an exercise. It’s not fun, but highly effective. What is it? Well, try this: do an individual exercise move once (a jumping jack); then repeat the move a second time by doing it twice. On the third count, do the move three times; and it continues on until 10. We did three cycles of burnouts. I did the math…165 cobra pushups — 3 burnouts, 55 pushups each cycle. I had no idea I was capable of doing 165 of ANYTHING!

The cobra pushup


I must admit that the cobra pushups are one of my favorite exercises. The coffin sit-up counts as a least favorite. However, Instructor Bashay seems to be in love with them. We do coffin sit-ups almost everyday. What are coffin sit-ups? Don’t ask! Another thing that happened this week — RAIN!! The rain dancing in my office and cursing the ever-looming clouds seemed to pay off just in time to cancel class that day! Make up session was Saturday morning at 6 a.m. When Bashay asked if I planned to attend the Saturday session, my honest answer was, “it depends on how much fun I have Friday night. In other words, see you on Monday!”

In other news, my “dependable” and “skinny girl” jeans are now baggy! But, I’m afraid to buy new a new pair. I don’t know why. One day soon I will break down and go shopping (for new jeans).

Talk to you next week. Two more weeks left. Sad face 😦


{Wordless Wednesday} The Devil

In fitness, Wordless Wednesday on July 13, 2011 at 8:57 PM


This is the Devil in sheep’s clothing, also known as a 1/2 pound burger with fries. After 3 bites and 7 fries, I walked away! Thanks, Fitness.

Boot Camp, Week Two

In fitness, Weight Loss on July 12, 2011 at 6:20 PM

I chose to eat a lot over the 4th of July holiday weekend. I feasted on fried chicken, barbecue ribs, potato chips, birthday cake, gummi bears, potato salad and Red Bull. Everything tasted great! Thanks to my family in Kansas City who prepared the meals and the drinks. HOWEVER, I had to answer to “fitness” when I returned to Boot Camp on Wednesday. The heat was blazing and “fitness” was not my friend.

In the name of “fitness” the boot camp class ran, jumped, squatted and crunched our way to agony. When was the last time you jumped rope for 2 minutes without stopping? Yea, me either; but I tried. I still believe that having shorter limbs is a disadvantage when it comes to some things; jumping rope is one of them.

Despite the hot weather and the new exercises, we endured the challenge and survived another week. To my surprise, I didn’t gain any weight over the holiday! I didn’t lose any either, but I’ll take it. As Instructor Bashay says everyday, “It’s all about FITNESS!”

I have to go. Boot camp starts in 10 minutes. I’ve got to get my mind right! It’s over 100 degrees right now.
